Floa Bank MasterCard Casino

Floa Bank MasterCard Casino

Floa Bank MasterCard Casino
  • Loyalty of 1% accumulated on payments made at Casino and everywhere else
  • The FloaBank's Cdiscount credit card allows you to earn cashback on your purchases, more info on floabank.fr
  • Free withdrawals from Crédit Mutuel and CIC ATMs
  • Payment in cash, on credit or in instalments
  • You don't need to change your bank
  • Contactless payments up to € 50
  • Apple Pay - pay for purchases in store and online with your iPhone
  • The Cdiscount credit card is linked to an annually renewable credit. It can be used to pay from the current account or on credit at the time of payment.
  • With the Cdiscount card, you can pay several times in CD or casino stores, or spread out your payments, more info on floabank.fr
  • The Cdiscount credit card is linked to an annually renewable credit. It can be used to pay from the current account or on credit at the time of payment.
  • With the Cdiscount card, you can pay several times in CD or casino stores, or spread out your payments, more info on floabank.fr


15 euros/year


  • Best deals
  • Free withdrawal
  • Pay back in installments
  • Cash back
  • Fidelity bonus

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