How can the teens in France use the payment cards?
Posted on: 12 Mar 2021
In the last years, the banks have diversified their services and they have created cards specifically designed for teens. With such cards, the parents can allow the teen a number of financial operations which will increase their freedom to operate, while the teens will acquire from early age the financial literacy which will help them later to undertake more complex financial operations. But first, what are the conditions for a teen in France to get access to a payment card?
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The current account in France. What can you do with it?
Posted on: 23 Feb 2021
The current account is the simplest account one can get access to in her/his relation with the bank. If you are a private individual or associated in a business, in France you are guaranteed the right to open a current account and operate different transactions with it; the Bank of France can oblige the bank to open a current account if the minimum legal requirements are met.
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Loans in France
Posted on: 01 Feb 2021
Since almost forever people needed money to procure goods and services, in order to fulfill their needs. Given that in general, people’s needs exceeded their actual capabilities to acquire those goods and services, banks have appeared in our societies to provide the missing resources and they have evolved to be generally accepted as institutions that can supply the money for people’s and companies’ needs.
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