Looking for the best credit cards in France? With banqo.fr you can compare the best credit card deals and benefits.
You associate the credit card with a stiff product with full of constraints. What if you had access to a product which would better cater for your needs, while giving you access to the wide range of benefits of a classic credit card?
When you think of the credit card you may picture the following: need for a bank account, a costly product, hidden caveats and a rigid relationship with the bank. The cash reserve cards are less expensive products that offer you the access to a certain amount of cash (reserve), which you can use at your best convenience. In general, this kind of card best suits people in need for access to such reserve, mainly for unforeseen or unexpected situations.
With this type of credit card you don't have to pay back your expenses at the end of the month, but at your own pace that is, you decide with the bank what is the best plan for you. Though, this facility implies a higher risk for the bank, which will charge you a higher interest for the credit used, although initially you paid less or nothing at all to obtain the credit card. Yet, you will have access to the same advantages offered by a classic credit card. Often, the card is not linked to a specific bank and it is offered by a credit provider you can chose on yourself, which means that you don't need a bank account.
This credit card is a good fit for you if you look to pay less for the card, have access to a short term credit for unforeseen situations and yet, benefit of the wide range of advantages of a classic credit card.