bunq Premium SuperGreen Mastercard

bunq Premium SuperGreen Mastercard

  • For every €100 that you spend, we’ll plant a tree in your name
  • You go greener with Metal credit card which uses 50% less plastic and has a 50% longer life than a regular plastic card
  • You can open as many sub-accounts as you want. Each comes with its own IBAN, so you can use them for direct debits, online payments and your cards as well
  • You can change PINs, link your card to a different sub-account, (de-)activate or block very easily and changes take effect instantly
  • You get the real exchange rate and save up to 3%, each time you use your card abroad
  • You can receive instant notifications for each card payment, direct debit or any other transaction


203.88 euros/year
Apply now
on bunq's secure website